Tea Towel Printing
Fundraising School Tea Towels and Corporate Gifts
Jim, of Cheers and Beers Limited, started printing tea towels here in Auckland, New Zealand well over 25 years ago.
And we’ve never stopped custom tea towel printing, printing tens of thousands a year for Fundraisers, Schools, Clubs, Agencies and Businesses as well as for artists and designers through out Aoteaora. Teatowel printing is a massive part of what we do, so much so that you probably found us through teatowels.co.nz or cotton supply co.

teatowels.co.nz Cotton Tea Towels
Custom Branded supply our own 100% White and Natural Cotton Tea Towels.
Striking a balance between a great print surface and a great dish towel took some doing, however not only do our tea towels print great they also make fantastic dish drying kitchen towels.
We can also supply from a range of local suppliers.

Water-based Dye Screen Printing
Custom Printed Tea towels need to be soft and absorbent, this rules out Plastisol and Waterbased ink substitutes which sit on the surface.
By only print using waterbased dyes, our tea towel printing sits inside the fibres, allowing full use as a kitchen dish towel.

Huge print area
At 710 x 510mm our tea towels are huge, and we can print up to a massive 400mm x 600mm which is close to A2.
Full edge to edge printing is available as indent only. Our indent orders include custom tags.